Patient study proves uSINE effectiveness

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First-attempt success rate for patient with BMI<30

uSINE is safe and effective and promotes a reduction of procedural time, better clinical outcomes and improving patient satisfaction.

uSINE Ultrasound Longitudinal Scan

uSINE’s application screen showing annotated spinal landmarks on a patient’s back.

Automated spinal level counting

uSINE enhances ultrasound images via providing real time annotated ultrasound images for you. Spinal landmark are automatically annotated for easy reference.

Device agnostic

uSINE is compatible with most existing ultrasound machines*. Setting it up means it is as easy as plugging in.

Easy epidural depth measurement

uSINE automatically recognises the epidural depth needed for needle insertion – taking out the guesswork.

Letting you focus on what is important.

To understand more about which ultrasound machines are compatible, please contact us.

Clinical reports on uSINE

Automated identification of landmarks during preprocedure lumbar ultrasound for spinal anaesthesia in obese parturients. A prospective cohort study Eur J Anesthesiol 40, 710 (2023).

Machine learning approach to needle insertion site identification for spinal anesthesia in obese patients. BMC Anesthesiol 21, 246 (2021).

A novel approach to neuraxial anesthesia: application of an automated ultrasound spinal landmark identification. BMC Anesthesiol 19, 57 (2019).